Tui Medical's head office fit-out required a solution combining security, access control, structured data cabling and collaboration work spaces.
Working with this client we accommodated tight building time frames and prioritised the functional, streamlined integration of essential technology across all vital aspects of this business hub.
The access control solution allows keyless access for staff members with keyring tags. Administration and access privileges can be done in house by management, such as the IT Manager being the only staff member with access rights to the server room. A full security alarm is also integrated as well as a range of CCTV cameras for monitoring.
Throughout the open plan working areas we installed in-ceiling speakers that play low-level background music to break office silence and increase productivity.
The lecture theatre is fully automated with an RTI in-wall touchscreen that controls the projector, electronic screen and automatic window treatments to make presenting a breeze.
This room has both wireless and wired BYOD (bring your own device) connectivity avenues.
A wireless microphone is available for the presenters so they can be heard by everyone. The in-ceiling speakers can hardly be seen as they are black to match the black ceiling tiles.
All of the AV hardware is located in the secure server room in a free-standing rack for a tidy and easily serviceable solution.
The collaborative meeting rooms required a simple solution. Having a dedicated meeting room PC means secure access to the corporate network for in-house meetings.
The video conferencing facilities are available as they require weekly meetings with other medical professionals around the country. It also provides a simple industry training pathway to keep staff up to speed with compliance.
Collaboration Meeting Rooms
Commercial Audio System
Lecture Theatre AV Automation
Data Networking
Access Control